Categories: Movie News

Nolan chats on TDK Blu

Not like you needed another reason to buy THE DARK KNIGHT when it hits hi-def disc on December 9th, but…

Director Christopher Nolan will get into the whole media meta with his movie’s Blu-Ray release, utilizing the DVD’s BD-Live feature for real-time Q&A with the fans.

Guillermo del Toro is doing the same on November 23rd for owners of HELLBOY II, but Warner Bros. is capping eligible participants for THE DARK KNIGHT chat to the first 100,000 registered Blu buyers.

My prediction for the first five questions: “When are you starting the sequel?” “What will the sequel be about?” “Why haven’t you announced the sequel yet?” “Why hasn’t TDK made more than TITANIC cuz it’s like soooo much better OMFG!!!!?” and “Why does Batman have that completely ridiculous voice?”

Published by
Dave Davis