Categories: Movie News

Noomi Rapace is an emotional wreck in first images from The Secrets We Keep

Exacting revenge on Nazis is all the rage nowadays and soon Noomi Rapace will portray a character that gets her revenge on a man she believes brutalized her and her family during the Holocaust in Yuval Adler's THE SECRETS WE KEEP.

Framed as a dark period drama, Adler's upcoming film focuses on a Romani woman named Maja (Rapace), who is striving to rebuild her life in the suburbs with her husband (Chris Messina) when a chance encounter leads her to the man (Kinnaman) she believes brutalized her and her family during the Holocaust. She kidnaps him and seeks vengeance for the heinous war crimes she believes he committed against her. (via Entertainment Weekly)

Rapace, who also serves as an executive producer on THE SECRETS WE KEEP, recently spoke with EW about the film, and how it left the cast shaken even after cameras had stopped rolling.

"We were emotional train wrecks to be honest," she confessed to the outlet with a laugh. "[Kinnaman and I] had to open the door in ourselves to really unpleasant emotions. I'm holding him hostage in my basement. I'm putting him through a lot of extreme things. We went to those emotional places, and they become real so it was hard for us."

Thankfully, Rapace and Kinnaman brought an existing bond with them to the set of Adler's disturbing revenge tale, on account of the pair having attended high school together in Sweden. This familiarity with one another had served them well while working on the film as they both share memories and emotions from years past.

"I love him and he's my friend, so that helped because he allowed me and embraced me when I went to those places that were quite scary," Rapace explained about the duo's in-depth chemistry. "You don't really know what's going to come out when you open the door to that chaos of pain and hate. It's explosions of unresolved old wounds that Maja is opening up and that means me, Noomi, is doing the same. When you work with a friend that you trust, you can just go a little bit deeper because you have each other's back. It was painfully joyful."

In addition to the interview, EW also debuted a series of first-look pics for the upcoming film:

Also joining Rapace and Kinnaman for the emotional post-war revenge thriller are Chris Messina, Amy Seimetz, Lucy Faust, Victoria Hill, and more.

For more about Rapace's emotional journey while filming THE SECRETS WE KEEP be sure to check out Entertainment Weekly's full interview.

THE SECRETS WE KEEP is scheduled to hit theaters on September 16, 2020, and On Demand October 16, 2020.

Published by
Steve Seigh