Categories: Movie News

Not to be outdone by 5nal Destination, Saw VII gets a title change

A SAW tradition is ending at last. No, not the fact that a new one comes out every Halloween, I expect my grandchildren to be watching SAW movies someday. Rather, the series is doing away with the traditional roman numerals on the end of its title for its seventh installment. So what’s it called now?


No, this is not some unbelievably stupid rumor as the studio has actually confirmed the title switch according to Shock Till You Drop. In case you hadn’t realized it, the next Saw movie is in 3D, and I guess they felt the need to not only put that in the title, but actually have it also explain what that means for the series as the traps will uh, come alive it seems with the help of the new format.

How would this work when applied to other 3D movies? Would you be interested in seeing ALICE IN WONDERLAND 3D A CAT FLOATS IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE? How about CLASH OF THE TITANS 3D GET BITCH SLAPPED BY A KRAKEN? Or maybe AVATAR 3D YOU CAN ALMOST TOUCH THIS BLUE CHICK’S BOOB?

Published by
Paul Tassi