Categories: Horror Movie News

Exclusive: Olivia Luccardi vs creature in the woods in Feral clip

Recently I had the joy of watching IFC Midnight and director Mark H Young’s new film FERAL. I found the film to be a fresh and fun take on an all-new(ish) movie monster-virus and you can read my review HERE. I highly suggest you guys make a note to check it out tonight as it just hit select theaters, VOD and via digital platforms in the U.S. as of today.

And to celebrate the film’s release, today we have an exclusive clip called “Creature in the Woods”. It features one of the film’s stars Olivia Luccardi (of IT FOLLOWS and CHANNEL ZERO: BUTCHER’S BLOCK fame) searching the woods for… something. Only to run afoul of… something else.

The film asks you the question:

Your best friend has just been infected with a horrifying virus that will soon turn her into a rabid, rampaging cannibal-zombie. Do you: a) try to save her? or b) kill her before she kills you? That’s the nightmarish scenario six students find themselves facing when their celebratory camping trip goes terrifyingly wrong. One by one, each falls victim to the “feral” disease, until only Alice (Scout Taylor-Compton, Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN) and Jules (Olivia Luccardi, IT FOLLOWS)—two girlfriends testing the waters of their new relationship—are left standing, armed with a shotgun and holed up in a remote cabin. They’ve got a hell of a fight before them if they hope to survive… THE WALKING DEAD’s Lew Temple costars in this grisly blend of survival thriller and contagion shocker.

You can check out the clip for yourself below, and then make sure to check out the film tonight, which costars Scout Taylor Compton (HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN II) Lew Temple (THE DEVIL’S REJECTS, THE WALKING DEAD), Renee Olstead, Brock Kelly, Landry Allbright, and George Finn. Enjoy!

Published by
Mike Sprague