Categories: Horror Movie News

Osama bin Laden rises from the grave to wreak bloody havoc in Osombie

A bit cheap and shameless, this one, but it looks like it’s all in good fun. Coupled with a slow Friday night news spell, it’s really all we have for you at this time. Take or it leave it…

Germs and Herms, I give to you OSOMBIE…an action zombie film about, well, Osama bin Laden returning from his watery grave and creating an army of zombie insurgents. If that sounds like something you can party with, check out the poster and teaser trailer below.

With Corey Sevier, Eve Mauro (below), Jasen Wade in front of the camera – OSOMBIE is directed by John Lyde, from a script by Kurt Hale. Until we land a release date, feel free to scope out the official Facebook page for the film HERE.

Published by
Jake Dee