Categories: Movie News

MOVIE POLL: What is your favorite Academy Awards Best Picture winner?

What is your favorite Academy Awards Best Picture winner?

Gone with the Wind
12.89% = 83 votes

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
12.11% = 78 votes

10.09% = 65 votes

7.92% = 51 votes

The Godfather
6.68% = 43 votes

The Silence of the Lambs
5.43% = 35 votes

5.43% = 35 votes

Forrest Gump
4.04% = 26 votes

No Country for Old Men
3.88% = 25 votes

The Departed
3.42% = 22 votes

3.11% = 20 votes

2.80% = 18 votes

The Godfather Part II
2.80% = 18 votes

Schindler’s List
2.17% = 14 votes

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
1.86% = 12 votes

Lawrence of Arabia
1.71% = 11 votes

1.71% = 11 votes

1.55% = 10 votes

Ben Hur
1.40% = 9 votes

1.24% = 8 votes

The Shape of Water
1.09% = 7 votes

Dances with Wolves
0.93% = 6 votes

Other (Tell us below!)
0.93% = 6 votes

The French Connection
0.62% = 4 votes

0.62% = 4 votes

Rain Man
0.47% = 3 votes

0.47% = 3 votes

The Apartment
0.47% = 3 votes

The Sting
0.47% = 3 votes

A Beautiful Mind
0.47% = 3 votes

West Side Story
0.31% = 2 votes

12 Years a Slave
0.31% = 2 votes

The Bridge on the River Kwai
0.31% = 2 votes

The Sound of Music
0.16% = 1 votes

0.16% = 1 votes

0.00% = 0 votes

On the Waterfront
0.00% = 0 votes

Annie Hall
0.00% = 0 votes

In the Heat of the Night
0.00% = 0 votes

Midnight Cowboy
0.00% = 0 votes

TOTAL VOTES = 644 votes
Published by
Dave Davis