Categories: Movie News

Outlander trailer

The first trailer for the sci fi fantasy actioner OUTLANDER just came out of nowhere to hit and rock the shit out of the interwebs. Seriously, this thing looks like an ass-kicking good time. It stars Jim Caviezel as the titular outlander who crash lands on Earth during the reign of the Vikings and must team up with them to defeat a crazy, pissed off dragon creature that followed him. Even the effects don’t look too shabby. Click through to check it out. No stateside release date is set as yet (it opens today in Latvia, September 4th in Russia and October 9th in the Netherlands) but as soon as it gets one, we’ll be all over that shit like motherflippin’ white and motherflippin’ rice, baby! Thanks to ‘AD’ for the head’s up. His website got the trailer first…

Published by
Omar Aviles