Categories: Movie News

Pan’s music box

Browsing through Comic Con this year, you may have noticed an attractive little music box displaying The Pale Man of Guillermo Del Toro’s beautifully tragic fantasy drama PAN’S LABYRINTH attempting to scare the bejesus out of the film’s protagonist Ofelia and thought to yourself “Goddamn, where can I get me one of those?”

Well, it just so happens that 2000 of these limited edition music boxes, which when opened play Javier Navarrete’s theme, “Long, Long Time Ago”, will go on sale Wednesday, November 28th for 125 bucks a piece, with one very special box signed by Del Toro himself being auctioned off through eBay, also beginning on Wednesday.

These pretty little bad boys will probably go quickly so click on Ofelia’s surprisingly serene countenance below to go to the product’s site for details.

Published by
Omar Aviles