Categories: Movie News

Par fights zombies

Author Max Brooks’ novel WORLD WAR Z: AN ORAL HISTORY OF THE ZOMBIE WAR became the subject of a high stakes bidding war between Paramount with Brad Pitt’s Plan B production house vs. Warner Bros. with Leonardo DeCaprio’s Appian Way. Paramount and Pitt won and took the rights in a high six-figure deal.

The novel is a sober telling of the aftermath of a war fought against a legion of humans who were inflicted with a virus, died and were reanimated into flesh-eating zombies.

Sounds like it could be very cool. It’ll certainly be interesting to see what a big budget zombie flick will turn into. No early word on if Pitt plans to star in the pic, or if it will be shot on location in Namibia. Look for the book in stores this fall.

Published by
Matt Withers