Categories: Movie News

Parents file complaint after Pennywise posters gave their kids nightmares

There’s no denying the sight of Pennywise from the new IT movies is a terror to behold, but we as rational adults know full well the talented actor Bill Skarsgard is under that makeup. There’s no real demon clown out there feasting on children in a sewer…but try explaining that to a child. Parents in Australia are having a hard time doing that now that their young children have had the bejesus scared out of them after seeing posters for the upcoming IT: CHAPTER TWO around town, with Pennywise’s bloody grin front and center.


Parents in Brisbane, Australia have filed a complaint with the country’s Ad Standards (via LAD Bible) after ads began popping up on the side of the road, depicting the vicious clown. The movie is rated MA15+ in Australia, meaning no one under the age of 15 can see the movie without adult accompaniment, and it’s for that reason parents believe the movie shouldn’t be advertised in places where children may frequent.

“It just totally freaks them out,” a Brisbane mother named Kellie told the local 9news.

Kellie’s daughter, Piper, spoke about the image, saying, “I get really scared because it's hard to go to bed when you have a scary picture in your mind. Before I go to bed, I have to check the whole room. And when I finally go to bed I will wake up after a nightmare."

An image of the poster in question was screengrabbed from 9news’ coverage and posted on social media.


“Some people do enjoy going to horror movies and that's fine and that's their choice, and I understand that but we're not choosing to see this poster,” said another mother, Jane Swan.

Sadly, the concerned parents are not going to have their wishes of having the posters taken down and ritualistically burned granted. The people from Ad Standards said to Swan they have no control over where the adverts are placed, and that the poster doesn’t violate any of their standards when it comes to inappropriate content. Their statement to Swan reads:

"Ad Standards generally has no jurisdiction over the placement or timing of advertisements, except when considering the use of language or sex, sexuality or nudity in advertising."

The new movie from director Andy Muschietti stars Skarsgard as Pennywise, who begins to terrorize the now-adult Losers' Club, played by Jessica Chastain, Bill Hader, James McAvoy, James Ransone, Jay Ryan, Isaiah Mustafa and Andy Bean. IT: CHAPTER TWO is in theaters September 6, so be sure to bring the kids! Nah, don't bring them. Or do.

Published by
Matt Rooney