Categories: Movie News

Peacock’s reboot of Battlestar Galactica finds its fracking writer

A writer has been found for Peacock's reboot of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, and it's none other than Michael Lesslie, who previously served as lead writer and showrunner of AMC's THE LITTLE DRUMMER GIRL and wrote scripts for MACBETH as well as ASSASSIN'S CREED. As per the arrangement, Lesslie will create, write and executive produce the series, which is poised to introduce the Battlestar universe to a whole new generation of fans!

If you're like me in that you've managed to completely miss the Battlestar Galactica ship, allow me to invite you aboard this brief recap: After a cybernetic race known as the Cylons lay waste to the Twelve Colonies and murder billions, the surviving humans manage to escape aboard Battlestar Galactica, a military vessel, as well as a civilian fleet, and take off in search of a fabled colony known as Earth. Although the finale didn't please everyone, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was a smash hit with sci-fi fans the world over, so naturally, they're bringing it back.

It was announced last year that Mr. Robot creator Sam Esmail would be heading up a reboot of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA for NBC Universal's upcoming streaming service, Peacock. However, although it's still referred to as a reboot, Esmail has previously stated that his take will not be a remake of Ronald D. Moore's series, saying, "We’ll explore a new story within the mythology while staying true to the spirit of Battlestar." Given the apparent connection between the two shows, it was only natural for Esmail to reach out to Moore. While speaking with Variety, Moore seems quite optimistic about the new series.

Sam called me and was very gracious, he didn’t pitch me the story so I don’t know. But he said his plans and he wasn’t going to re-start the show and recast it but he wanted to do something in the same universe. Sam’s amazing and I love ‘Mr. Robot.’ I was like, you know, ‘You’re an amazing guy and amazing writer, go with god!’

In talking up the opportunity to reshape one of the most beloved sci-fi landscapes of all time, Lesslie said:

I am beyond excited to be taking on this iconic and inspirational show. As a lifelong devotee, I know that the possibilities of Battlestar Galactica’s world are infinite and that each iteration has raised the bar for epic and intelligent sci-fi storytelling. The teams at Esmail Corp, UCP and Peacock are second to none, and I already know that we are going to honour Glen A Larson and Ronald D Moore’s landmark series and break new boundaries with our own vision. It’s a dream come true – one I just can’t wait to share with fans, new and old alike. So say we all.

Sam Esmail's series isn't the only Battlestar Galactica project in the works, as Francis Lawrence (RED SPARROW) has also been attached to helm a big-screen adaptation of the story for several years. THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER'S WEB writer Jay Basu was tasked to re-write the script which was previously written by Lisa Joy (WESTWORLD), but it's been a hot minute since we last heard any updates about the project. Lawrence had previously said that he's a big fan of both the original series as well as the Ronald D. Moore's reboot, and that the film would include a few nods to both shows. "There will definitely be visual nods. We’re all fans of both series so there will definitely be nods, but for it to be worth doing for us we have to have our own take on it," Lawrence said. "Without getting into too much detail, there is thematic kind of stuff to make it relevant today. What makes something interesting to do is if there’s a relevance to the world we live in now… I think we’ve found something else to say with it too, which I think is pretty cool."

Are you pumped for Battlestar to make its way back into the pop culture zeitgeist? Who would you cast as your favorite characters for the new show or film? Sound off in the comments section below!

Published by
Steve Seigh