Categories: Horror Movie News

Peep John “The Arrow” Fallon tear it up in these new Dead Shadows stills

David Cholewa’s DEAD SHADOWS is a film we have more than a tiny stake in. As you may recall, our #1 with a bullet, John “The Arrow” Fallon, plays a major role in the supernatural monster-movie, so anytime we get the chance to serve you an update, we’re all over that sumbitch. Thankfully, now is that time folks!

Spreading some love throughout the horror community, The Arrow recently sat down with the fine folks at Fangoria to discuss all things DEAD SHADOWS. The interview has gone live, and we’ve naturally yanked a couple of photos and a quote or two from that bastard. What, you thought we’d let Fango kidnap our leader without a peep?!?

Although a final edit has yet to be completed, here’s what the boss-man had to say about DEAD SHADOWS:

“From what [I’ve seen] thus far, the flick is closer to NIGHT OF THE COMET than SLITHER in feel—mixed in with a pinch of DEMONS 2 and PITCH BLACK for good measure.”

Can’t front on that comparative combo…sounds ace to me!

“There’s definitely a lot of death. There are a lot of messy mutations. There’s a mix of practical [FX] and CGI. Some of it is practical enhanced with CGI, other times it’s just one or the other. But there are a lot of visual effects in the picture—and a lot of kills.”

Again, what’s not to love about that description? Place it in the context of the films premise to see why we’re so excited:

Dead Shadows is about a young man, named Chris (Wolfrom), whose parents were brutally killed 11 years ago, on the same day that Halley’s comet could be seen from earth. Tonight, a new comet is appearing and everyone in his building are getting ready for a party to celebrate the event. There’s even an apocalypse theory going around. As the night falls, Chris discovers that people are starting to act strange – and it seems to somehow be connected to the comet. They are becoming disoriented and violent and it doesn’t take long before they begin to mutate into something far beyond this world. In a fight for survival, Chris tries to escape from his building with the help of a gun taunting tenant named John (Fallon) – but will they make it out alive?

To read everything The Arrow had to say about DEAD SHADOWS, click HERE. When you’re through with that, check out Fallon’s on-set journal HERE.

Fallon’s co-star Marmigere Blandine

Published by
Jake Dee