Categories: Horror Movie News

Phantasm-Con 2020 Still Happening…Now a Virtual Event!

With all the stuff going on in the world right now, it's easy to feel discouraged. However, luckily, there are people being proactive and trying to do something positive, given the situation. For instance, Production Magic Inc. and Crestline Creative Arts Foundation are working together to make PHANTASM-CON 2020 as the first Virtual Phantasm Horror Convention!

According to the press release:  

A nightmare in the form of a virus has hit our dimension and compromised the World of the Arts: film, theater, music, dance, art, as well as all conventions and expos.  Gigi & Reggie Bannister choose to fight  nightmare with nightmare.

PHANTASM-CON© 2020, through Crestline Creative Arts Foundation, is raising funds for Personal Protection Equipment for First Responders and Veterinarians during the COVID-19 Crisis. 

PHANTASM-CON© 2020 (PHAN-CON© 2020) is the first VIRTUAL PHANTASM HORROR CONVENTION online with all the same things that you would find in any convention experience:

A LIVE Main Stage featuring Q&As and interviews (some conducted by the host of Terror TV's Terror Talk with Jay Michaels) with celebrity guests and fans. An Exhibit Hall where visitors can click-thru to popular online stores and sites for memorabilia and other collectibles.  A Film Room filled with interactive watch parties where fans can hang with celebrities in real time during scheduled screenings on Friday and Saturday night! AND Autograph "Tables" and CHAT ROOMS where autographed celebrity photos and posters will be available through various online stores or to a designated stores and sites.  Any ART room for Phan AND Pro work for display or sale. PLUS Contest, Prizes, Giveaways, SWAG and more. What’s a convention without a Food Court? Links to DELIVERY food and drinks sponsors! 

Phantasm broke new ground with its visually stunning imagery, visionary plot and themes, broken racial barriers, glass ceilings and FLYING BALLS. This new world reality needs a new “surreality!”

Celebrity guest (as of press time, periodic updates to follow) Reggie Bannister (Phantasm Franchise and The Women of Phantasm) PLUS Paul Bunnell (Director, Ghastly Love of Johnny X/That little Monster) Dawn Cody (Dawn/Jane, P5) Andrew Divoff (Wishmaster) Sarah Scott Davis (Tanesha – Rocky's sidekick, P3) Gloria Henry (Rocky, P3 & 5) Terrie Kalbus (Fortuneteller's Granddaughter, P1) Knightshadow (David Miranda, Horror Kung Fu Theatre) Le Kat Lester (Lady In Lavender, P1, 3 & 5) Jay Michaels (TerrorTV) Joe Moe (Horror Host) Sammy Phillips (Alchemy, P2) Jed Rowen (Ghastly Love of Johnny X) Melanie Ann Kay Turner (SFX/Makeup, P2, 3, 4) Duane Whitaker (Pulp Fiction/Texas Chainsaw)

Sounds pretty cool to me! As we've seen, as devastating as the world outside can be sometimes, it's encouraging to see people are still finding cool ways to connect, be creative, and make things just a little less shitty than could easily be. And to think that something from PHANTASM could be construed as feel good. The world truly is topsy-turvy! 

So will you join the virtual con? And what other events would you like to see go virtual? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske