Categories: Horror Movie News

Phase4 Films snatch up dream-themed sci-fi thriller Extracted

You guys ever hear of a sci-fi thriller heading our way called EXTRACTED? Me either. And to be honest I’m completely shocked this is the first we’re hearing about this project here at AITH…

You see news coming in from The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision blog has Phase 4 Films snatching up the rights to this one, which is coming at us courtesy of New Artists Alliance. The plans are to drop EXTRACTED via Video-On-Demand.

Having premiered at the 2012 SXSW Film Festival, EXTRACTED has apparently been making the rounds… yet this is the first we’re hearing about it here at AITH. Better late than never right?

The dream-themed sci-fi thriller comes from director/co-writer Nir Paniry and stars Sasha Roiz, Jenny Mollen (below) and Dominic Bogart. Here’s the rundown:

The script follows a scientist who invents a way to watch people’s memories from the inside. Circumstances force him to enter a heroin addict’s mind to see whether the man committed murder, but a malfunction keeps the scientist trapped inside.

Sounds good to me! Hopefully Phase 4 tap this one with a solid release date soon! As always as soon as we hear more on EXTRACTED we’ll be right here to tell you about it.

Published by
Jared Pacheco