Categories: Horror Movie News

Piranha 3DD will hit theaters this Spring according to director John Gulager

Last week saw turmoil in the world of PIRANHA 3DD. A British home video site reported that the John Gulager-directed sequel was going straight to DVD (in the U.K., anyway), news that struck fear and sadness in the hearts of those of us greatly looking forward to 3D boobs, blood and Busey. If the article was accurate, would the movie get the shaft here in the U.S. as well?

According to Gulager, we’ve nothing to fear. The FEAST helmer sent word to ShockTillYouDrop that a theatrical release is still in the cards, for spring of this year, in fact. Here’s a sample of what Gulager told STYD:

“The original November release date was made before we started filming. As Melton says, “…the Thanksgiving release was always overly optimistic.” Ha, ha, that’s a good way of putting it! The main problem was this thing called Winter. There was no way we could ask anyone to strip down and jump into the water. Besides being inhumane and stupid, even with ‘movie magic’, it would be too dangerous. So we waited until it was warm enough to shoot but not so late that our main location became unavailable (open to the public) and started shooting in real 3D on April 25th, 2011.”

“We shoot the movie. Zany antics ensue. We edit over the summer. Work on visual FX, sound and music (songs). Get a couple days of pick-ups. Get a composer.”

“We released a short teaser trailer on the Spike Awards in October to give a taste of what’s in store but had to let go of the November theatrical date. The film just wasn’t totally finished. When that happened any planned releases around the world had to be scrapped and reset because Piranha 3DD must be released here, in the US, first. I think this is a Spring film anyways.”

To read Gulager’s full statement, head on over to HERE.

A spring release might be tricky; the calender is already booked up with high-profile flicks (a big sample of them 3D) that have their marketing campaigns in full swing. Will – and can – PIRANHA 3DD swim with these big fishes? We’ll find out when Dimension Films gives it an official date.

PIRANHA 3DD’s Katrina Bowden

Published by
Eric Walkuski