Categories: Horror Movie News

Plan 9 from Outer Space remake actually moving forward? Filming today!

It’s happening folks – a PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE remake is actually in the cards and it starts filming today! When the hell did this happen?!

Well we’ve been toying around with the idea of a PLAN 9 remake for well over three years now, with the last update coming back in January. Now io9 are reporting that filming on the remake has officially kicked off today, March 25th. How about that huh?

Filmmaker John Johnson starts shooting the film today in Roanoake, Virginia with plans to be finished by April 25th with a DVD release expected soon after. Johnson even spoke a bit with the Roanoake Times and told them how this project actually got started – as a joke! Head right over HERE to check that out.

Aliens resurrect dead humans as zombies and vampires to stop human kind from creating the Solaranite (a sort of sun-driven bomb).

Yeah… it’s that bad. As soon as we hear more on this remake or, gasp, get some goods on the film, you can bet we’ll pass all that we find along to all of you!

Thanks to Avery for the heads up!

PLAN 9 – Teaser trailer

Published by
Jared Pacheco