Categories: Horror Movie News

Poster for Lost Soul, about Richard Stanley’s doomed Island of Dr. Moreau

Now this is a documentary I’m dying to see. LOST SOUL – THE DOOMED JOURNEY OF RICHARD STANLEY’S ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU recounts the trials and tribulations of director Richard Stanley’s failed mounting of H.G. Welles’ classic monster tale THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU, which is now Hollywood legend. Stanley was fired from the production after three days and replaced by John Frankenheimer, but that didn’t come close to solving the movie’s myriad problems or extensive delays.

A new poster for the doc, which premieres at London Frightfest this weekend, has arrived at our hut, and we’re sharing it with you below. But first, take a look at what LOST SOUL is all about:

The filming of the ill-fated 1996 version of H. G. Welles’ THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU is the stuff of legend. For the first time since he was unceremoniously escorted off his longtime dream project, Richard (HARDWARE) Stanley reveals in detail his spectacular original vision and how it was all ripped apart at the seams. Cast members including Fairuza Balk, Marco Hofschneider and Rob Morrow, executives and producers Robert Shaye, Edward R. Pressman and Tim Zinnemann, concept artist Graham Humphreys, members of the Stan Winston Makeup Effects team as well as a host of cast and crew members recall the stories first hand of colossal egos run amok, a production way out of control, and how the original filmmaker was banished from the set but wouldn’t let go.

Directed by David Gregory (PLAGUE TOWN, THEATRE BIZARRE, GODFATHERS OF MONDO, THE JOE SPINELL STORY), this is the sensational story of what could have been a science fiction masterpiece which became a huge creative and financial disaster; the story of the outsider artist versus Hollywood machine.

For such a forgettable film (save for Marlon Brando’s nutso performance), there are fascinating behind-the-scenes tales just waiting to be told in full. LOST SOUL appears to be up to the task. We’ll let you know when it will become widely available.

Published by
Eric Walkuski