Categories: Movie News

Potter 7 title

J.K. Rowling revealed the title of the final installment in the Harry Potter franchise, which she’s currently writing, over on her official site and it’s “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. She apparently didn’t outright reveal it but, in typical Harry Potter fashion, made it the

answer to a Hangman game you apparently had to navigate pretty deep into the site to uncover ( has a breakdown of the instructions to find the game on the official site should

anyone be inclined to take a look). It’s certainly ominous and doesn’t exactly point to the franchise ending in laughter and rainbows. There’s gonna be death and there’s

gonna be a sanctification of some sort that apparently will be done through death. What do you true blue Potter fans think about it? Does it relate to anything else in the

franchise? Strike a little something back, why dontcha? HARRY POTTER AND THE

ORDER OF PHOENIX opens July 13th.

Published by
Omar Aviles