Categories: Movie News

Power Rangers TV Spots show some new footage, possibly solves Rita mystery

So the release of POWER RANGERS is just a month away, and the onslaught of advertisements has finally begun. Now, I know many of you are skeptical of this reboot, but I've been all in since the first trailer, and the new ones just keep getting goofier, more over-top, and – most importantly – fun. I'm honestly hoping for the best. But for those on the fence, here's some TV spots to hopefully whet your appetite:

Not a ton of new footage, admittedly, but there's still some fun tidbits to gleam from the footage. We have some more action set-pieces, the reveal that Billy is kind of a pyromaniac, and Elizabeth Banks vamping it up as Rita Repulsa. Speaking of Rita, it seems that one of the TV spots seems to imply that she indeed used to be a Power Ranger (a long-rumored new origin for her, due to her outfit looking like a ripped-up Green Ranger costume) when she says "I used to be just like you…full of hope". While not confirmation per se, this seems to be the closest we've come to one.

I guess we'll find out for sure when POWER RANGERS will "GO, GO" and morph into theaters March 24th, 2017.

I also hope that shitty cover of the POWER RANGERS theme in the Japanese TV spot isn't the one in the film. Because, holy shit, that was bad. 

Published by
Damion Damaske