Categories: Movie News

Priest gets Director

So when they annouced that there is an adaptation of the legendary graphic novel “Priest”–something of which I know nothing about–coming up, I was not impressed. And after announcing the film’s director recently, I must say, I’m still not impressed. But I am aware of its huge following, so for all those of you out there who have been licking your chops the second you found out about this film–this is for you.

Scott Charles Stewart, a former ILM employee and first time director will be directing your precious little baby. The film is set in a world destroyed by centuries of war between man and vampire and follows a warrior priest who turns against the church to track down a murderous band of vampires who have kidnapped his niece. WATCHMEN it ain’t, but I guess it’ll do.

NOTE: I wrote this entire article thinking that the film in question was actually PREACHER and not PRIEST. Boy are my cheeks red.

Published by
Daniel Barna