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Pumpkinhead (1988) Revisited – Horror Movie Review

It’s time for a new episode of the Best Horror Movie You Never Saw video series, and in this one we’re looking back at the 1988 release Pumpkinhead (watch it HERE), the feature directorial debut of legendary special effects artist Stan Winston. To find out all about Pumpkinhead, check out the video embedded above!

Winston crafted the story for Pumpkinhead with Richard C. Weinman and Mark Patrick Carducci, drawing inspiration from a poem by Ed Justin. Carducci then wrote the screenplay with Gary Gerani. Pumpkinhead has the following synopsis:

After his son dies in a hit-and-run accident, Ed Harley seeks revenge against the teenagers responsible. With the help of a local witch, Ed summons the vengeful demon Pumpkinhead to hunt and kill the group of friends. But when Ed discovers a bond between himself and the creature, he begins to have second thoughts about employing the vicious monster, and he fights to end Pumpkinhead’s murderous rampage before it is too late.

The film stars Lance Henriksen, Jeff East, John D’Aquino, Kimberly Ross, Joel Hoffman, Cynthia Bain, Kerry Remsen, Florence Schauffler, Brian Bremer, and George “Buck” Flower.

Our Best Horror Movie You Never Saw series is

dedicated to highlighting horror films that, for one reason or another, don’t get as much love as we think they should. We know plenty of you horror hounds out there will have seen many of the movies we pick, but there will be plenty of you who have not.

The Pumpkinhead episode of Best Horror Movie You Never Saw was Written by Eric Walkuski, Narrated by Jason Hewlett, Edited by Paul Bookstaber, Produced by John Fallon and Tyler Nichols, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

Have you already seen Pumpkinhead, and if so, are you a fan of the movie? Share your thoughts on this one by leaving a comment below.

A couple previous episodes of the Best Horror Movie You Never Saw series can be seen below. To see more, and to check out some of our other shows, head over to the JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channel – and subscribe while you’re there!

Published by
Cody Hamman