Categories: Movie News

Push TV show to hammer final nail in Heroes’ coffin

There were actually many things I liked about PUSH, the stylish supernatural tale of power-infused humans banding together to fight other power-infused humans. I thought the casting was great, the visuals were excellent, and the overall concept seemed original when it really shouldn’t have at all.

That being said, I thought the film was horrendously organized, and the overall plot made little no to sense, as if they were setting up for a sequel that we all knew was never coming. Well, now it seems that the PUSH storyline might be extending much, much further than any of us anticipated. WATCHMEN and X-MEN screenwriter David Hayer is writing a pilot for a TV show set in the PUSH universe. Summit explains:

“The concept behind the Push feature film offers a broad and rich canvas on which to extend the storyline and characters introduced in the feature film,” said Summit Co-Chairmen Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger. “The project is also the perfect vehicle to initiate Summit’s plans of producing programming for the global television marketplace. The opportunity to do this with our trusted partners at E1 re-enforces that this is the right opportunity to grow Summit’s platform.”

As I implied in the title, with “Heroes” teetering on the edge of both sanity and cancellation for some time now, I think if done correctly, “Push” will slide right in to a network (I hear NBC has five hours to fill) and satiate our need for a superpowered TV show. Don’t get me started on “Smallville.”

Published by
Paul Tassi