Categories: Movie News

Quarantine 2 moving forward with writer John Pogue at the helm

ShockTillYouDrop is reporting that QUARANTINE 2 is officially a go, and now has itself a director in the form of John Pogue. Pogue will write and direct the film, which will apparently leave the tenement building setting and find itself in an airport. Doesn’t seem like that’s a definite yet, but we’ll see what happens as this sucker forges ahead.

Pogue’s track record isn’t anything to write home about. The man penned the sequel to THE FUGITIVE, U.S. MARSHALS, as well as GHOST SHIP and THE SKULLS. QUARANTINE 2 would be his first directorial effort.

I’m not as hard on QUARANTINE as some others, only because I feel that, as far as remakes go, it does an admirable job of recreating some of the original film’s tension and chaos. Of course, it’s nearly a shot-for-shot duplicate of [REC], but we’ve seen far worse movies spring forth from the remake-o-matic…

Published by
Eric Walkuski