Categories: Movie News

R. Zombie twittering

Update: New picture added.

It was only a matter of time, really, but horror musician turned director Rob Zombie is officially twittering. He just recently started so he doesn’t have a lot of “tweets” up as yet and the only thing he’s mentioned about his current work on the upcoming sequel HALLOWEEN 2 is the following:

Editing away at H2. Laurie Strode in the ER. bloody mess. Wayne Toth out did himself on this one. Nasty and very real.

Which we’ve kinda seen already. In any case, we’re sure to see some exclusives or good candid shots come out of here too so those of you itching to know more about the new hobo chic, flesh-skinned sociopath Mike Myers, check back from time to time. Myers starts offing people on August 28th.

Published by
Omar Aviles