Categories: Movie News

Ratner does Kratos

UGO recently spoke to hacktastic snatch magnet Brett Ratner and when asked about his upcoming projects, he casually mentioned that one of his projects includes GOD OF WAR, a feature adaptation of the eponymous mega popular video game. He didn’t outright mention that he’d be directing the film so he could just be producing it – though it’s unlikely considering how much opportunity the source material provide for mindless entertainment only a fauxteur of Ratner’s caliber can provide. The series follows the adventures of Spartan warrior Kratos and his rather tumultuous relationship with the gods of Olympus. Throughout the course of the series, Kratos has become the god of war, teamed up with the Titans to take down the gods, gone toe to toe with Zeus and who knows what else he’s gonna do when the latest game in the series is released next year. In any case, what do you guys think of The Rat being behind this adaptation?

Published by
Omar Aviles