Categories: Movie News

Ratner off War?

When news broke that snatch magnet fauxteur Brett Ratner was looking to direct GOD OF WAR, an adaptation of the popular game of the same name, fanboys damn near burned down the internets. But that’s pretty par for the course for any project that The Rat becomes attached to. He could be doing a feature adaptation of “Joey” and people would be like “he’s gonna ruin it! It was perfectly horrible already! He’s just gonna make it horrible-er! He’s such a douchebag cheesedick!” He’s just that special kind of director who incites an instantaneous knee-jerk reaction for anything. Well, today, fanboys may be able to breath a sigh of relief as according to “Production Weekly”, he’s shelved his “God of War” adaptation in order to focus on his thriller with Chris Tucker and Eddie Muprhy titled TRUMP HEIST. Of course, “shelved” doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s off it completely. Just that he’s put it on a temporary hiatus to come back to at a later date. Just saying.

Published by
Omar Aviles