Categories: Movie Trailers

Read a spy’s synopsis of the Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer

Warner Bros. is using Harry Potter’s final bow to showcase the first teaser spot for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES and a description is coming in from quite a few sources of what exactly it contains.

This is from AICN, which received tips from a number of different projectionists, and you can read the description in its entirety below. It would seem to be the usual amount of nothing, with clips from past movies and voiceovers spliced with very minimal new footage.

Read for yourself, and see what you make of it.

Trailer opens with studio logos set on top of the blue flame from Dark Knight. Start panning up some buildings, but cut to the screen card:


Cuts to a shot from Begins with Bruce walking up to that Village when he’s looking for Ra’s Screen Card:


Ra’s (Liam Neeson) voice over: “If you make yourself more then just a man. If you devout yourself to be ideal. And you become something else entirely. A legend Mr. Wayne….A LEGEND!”


Cut to Gordon in a hospital bed laying on his side. Looks to be in serious pain. Has A breathing mask on. He is talking to someone. Gordon: “We were in this together, then you were gone…….Now this Evil rises. The Batman…..HAS to come back.” (all this is said in a very raspy voice, in much pain)

Bruce/Batman(its not shown who he’s talking to, so don’t know in which form Bruce is visiting him in. My guess would be as Bruce Wayne) : “What if he doesn’t exist anymore?”

This part is the hardest to understand in the entire trailer, I listened to it at least 10 times but the score is over powering here and Gordon is having trouble talking. It sounds as if he says, “Humor me,” while trying to laugh. I might be wrong here, full disclosure.

During this quick talk we’re shown a shot of the bat cycle when it drives up the ramp from Dark Knight, Gordon destroying the Bat Signal all cut in with the Hospital. As well as super fast flashes of Bane’s face.

Pan up crumbing buildings to reveal the Teaser Poster, the camera zooms to the white opening and on an all white screen the title appears. The score reaches a fever pitch before turning over to The chanting from the website.


Fades to black and then we see Batman backing away from something, then Bane enters from the left side of the screen. Very quick shot then the trailers done.

Published by
Paul Tassi