Categories: Movie News

The latest Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer gets the sweded treatment!

Hype for THE LAST JEDI is at a fever pitch, considering it’s less than two weeks away from release. We’ve been hearing even more crazy fan theories, the cast are starting to make the late night talk show rounds, and now we’ve got our first batch of sweded fan trailer! The latest one is embedded above!

I don’t always enjoy sweded fan trailers, but when they’re good, they’re really good. But even with the bad ones, there’s something fun about seeing someone with no budget, with only their imagination and whatever’s lying around at their disposal, attempt to replicate big-budget spectacle. This one is no exception (I’m especially fond of the knitted stuffed porg!) Anyway,
if this is your thing, click on the link and enjoy!

Meanwhile, STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI will explode onto theaters December 15th!

Published by
Damion Damaske