Categories: Horror Movie News

R.L. Stine says there’s talk and rumors of more Goosebumps, Fear Street movies

R.L. Stine’s popular Goosebumps book series spawned a television series in the ’90s, and recently inspired two theatrically-released feature films: 2015’s Goosebumps and the 2018 sequel Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween. Now another Goosebumps TV show is in the works at the Disney+ streaming service… but that doesn’t mean the film series is over. Speaking with Yahoo!, Stine said he has heard “talk” of more Goosebumps movies being made, and has also heard “rumors” that there will be more Fear Street movies made for the Netflix streaming service.

When asked about the new Goosebumps TV show, Stine said he’s happy it’s being made because

it’ll keep the book series going! I’m not really in the loop on the TV show, but my understanding is that it’s not going to be an anthology series, it’s going to be a continuing story. But honestly, I haven’t heard any more about it than that.

Then he was asked if there will be more Goosebumps movies. He replied,

There’s still talk about more Goosebumps movies, and I also hear rumors about more Fear Street movies for Netflix, because the first ones did so well last summer. Those films kind of shocked me, because they were all R-rated, and I’ve never done anything R-rated! All those teenagers were getting slashed. I was like, “Suddenly, I have a slasher movie!”

While the Goosebumps books are aimed at younger kids, Stine wrote the Fear Street series of novels with teens in mind. Drawing inspiration from those books, director Leigh Janiak crafted a trilogy of films that were released through Netflix in the summer of 2021: Fear Street Part One: 1994, Fear Street Part Two: 1978, and Fear Street Part Three: 1666. Janiak was very open about the fact that she would love to continue the series – and our friends at Bloody Disgusting have been able to confirm that the rumors Stine has heard are accurate. They said “these rumors are in fact true and that Netflix is very deep into development on more Fear Street!”

I’ve always been on the outside when it comes to the Goosebumps franchise, but I did watch the three Fear Street movies and really enjoyed them, so I’d gladly watch more of those.

Are you looking forward to more Goosebumps and/or Fear Street? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Published by
Cody Hamman