Categories: Horror Movie News

Rob Hall’s “Fear Clinic” becoming a feature w/ Robert Englund & Danielle Harris!

Do you guys remember Rob Hall’s “Fear Clinic?” It was a nifty little mini-series put together by FearNET a couple years ago that had a host of genre names getting together for some pretty decent horror shorts. If you need a refresher you can actually head on over to FearNET’s YouTube page and check out the episodes for yourself!

But I’m not here to talk about the “Fear Clinic” mini-series. Oh no. I want to talk about the FEAR CLINIC feature film! That’s right folks, according to the guys over at Bloody-Disgusting Rob Hall is currently working on a feature length version of “Fear Clinic” and he’s already got some big names cast!

Coming from a script by Aaron Drane, who also penned the mini-series, FEAR CLINIC has already tapped Robert Englund, Danielle Harris and Lucas Till to star! Not too shabby huh?

FEAR CLINIC follows 5 patients whose lives have been destroyed by their incurable phobias, and come to the Clinic willing to do whatever it takes to cure their worst fears and get a new lease on life… albeit for a price.

Apparently Rob Hall is working on this shindig as we speak so hopefully we’ll have more for you soon!

“Fear Clinic” (2009) – Promo

Published by
Jared Pacheco