Categories: Movie News

Rob Lowe says he and Ryan Murphy are developing a new version of Tiger King

Just when you thought the hype for Netflix's TIGER KING was beginning to die down, along comes CODE BLACK and PARKS AND RECREATION alum Rob Lowe with a photo shoot that'll send more shivers down your spine than a Joe Exotic music video.

Lowe, who recently posted a video detailing his COVID-19 quarantine routine, posted a disturbing photo gallery over the weekend in which he dressed like Big Cat breeder and convicted felon Joe Exotic. In the photos, Lowe can be seen wearing a floral and leopard print safari shirt, as well as a dirty blonde mullet, tattered cap hat, shades, eyeliner, and a goatee that would make schoolyard lurkers green with envy. It's a disturbing sight to be sure, though I think we can all agree that Lowe's Jack Russell terrier is more unnerved by the display than any of us.

For those of you who've yet to tumble down the disturbing rabbit hole that is Netflix's TIGER KING, the documentary details the events leading up to gun-totin', mullet-sportin' Joe Exotic's conviction for murder-for-hire against Big Cat Rescue non-profit founder and quintessential crazy cat lady Carole Baskin.

As if the photos were not enough, Lowe then commented on his own post with an update claiming that he and American screenwriter Ryan Murphy are developing their own version of Netflix's TIGER KING. What that means exactly is anyone's guess at this point in time. Lowe could simply be having a bit of fun with his fans, or perhaps he's serious and we can all look forward to a TIGER KING spoof in the near future. I shudder to think of the latter in that situation, though for now only Lowe's tantalizing photos exist.

While I'm not sure if the world needs more of Netflix's TIGER KING, it's recently been reported that an extra episode of the docu-series is poised to hit the streamer this week, according to zoo owner Jeff Lowe.

“Netflix is adding one more episode. It will be on next week. They’re filming here tomorrow,” Lowe said in the video. For the moment, we've no idea if the added episode will be a follow-up to the seven-episode event or a standalone reunion show of sorts. Thankfully, we won't have to wait too long to find out.

Netflix's TIGER KING is available to stream right now.

Published by
Steve Seigh