Categories: Movie News

Rock going faster

There’s been some calls around here for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to cool it with the sissy Disney family fare and become the gritty action hero that we all know he can be. Well maybe the brawny former wrestler with the golden smile heard us, because word is he is set to star in the action drama FASTER as an an ex-con hell-bent on avenging the death of his brother, who was murdered 10 years earlier when the two were sabotaged during a heist. The film will be helmed by Phil Joanou, who directed Johnson in GRIDIRON GANG. The Rock as an ex-con, out to bust some heads all in the name of vengeance. It kind of sounds perfect. Unfortunately we have to endure things like THE TOOTH FAIRY first. Shudder.

Published by
Daniel Barna