Categories: Movie News

Roger Deakins says Blade Runner sequel will probably be converted to 3D

Jeff Bridges recently had a conversation with Roger Deakins for Interview Magazine, and after the actor asked Deakins if he has or ever would shoot in 3D, the famed cinematographer revealed that Denis Villeneuve's BLADE RUNNER sequel will likely be converted to 3D.

No, I won't. I've been offered it. I just don't want to. I think I'm gonna do this film with Denis [Villeneuve] that'll be made into 3D eventually, but it won't be shot in 3D. I don't really like watching 3D. I mean, I've worked on a lot of animated movies that were 3D.

BLADE RUNNER director Ridley Scott is producing the follow-up, and Deakins also said they've talked about working together on one of Scott's movies.

I met with Ridley Scott a few times; this was two years ago. I really enjoyed talking to him, but I knew Ridley liked to operate the camera himself. I said to him at the end, "I honestly don't know how this will work because I like to operate and you like to operate, and I don't think either of us is gonna change." [both laugh] So you can't really force yourself to be somebody you're not. If it's somebody you don't know, and you go into a meeting, you've got to feel you can work with them and with their way of working…The other thing he likes doing is shooting on zoom lenses, and I'm not mad about zoom. [laughs] You know, most of the shoots I do with the boys, we shoot single camera. Sicario, we shot single camera.

I'm fine with 3D when it actually adds to the immersion of the movie, and a Villeneuve-directed, Deakins-lensed 3D BLADE RUNNER sequel has the potential to look really amazing. Last month Deakin explained what he drew him to the project.

Well part of the appeal was working with Denis again. But also I love science-fiction. There’s a number of books that I’ve always felt would make great movies, but people seem more interested in making science-fantasy than they do science-fiction. I mean, I did think twice about it. Because you think “Oh yeah, Blade Runner, the original is so wonderful.” And I thought “This script is not the old script. It’s not a remake. It’s another take on the story. It’s another story and a progression.” And I thought “There’s so few good science-fiction films out there. Of all the science-fiction films, this deserves another.” I mean they made about 20 Planet of the Apes, and they still haven’t made one as good as the original. They only ever made one Blade Runner, so I think we can do another one.

BLADE RUNNER 2 is expected to start production next summer.

Published by
Jesse Giroux