Categories: Movie News

Roose Bolton star confirmed for Justice League in unidentified role

Finally, some non-STAR WARS news. Apparently Michael McElhatton (better known as Roose Bolton on GAME OF THRONES) will have an unspecified role in Zack Snyder‘s JUSTICE LEAGUE film. It seems he’ll be in the very opening scenes, and will be involved in a large battle scene (most likely the one spotted in the trailer). He also said that the part he was in was obviously “very dark”. Yay.

McElhatton has reportedly seen parts of the film, and that fans should be excited. And believe me,
I want to be. I didn’t hate the trailer, and actually am rooting for it (as a DC fanboy, I don’t want it to actively fail). However, after BATMAN V SUPERMAN and SUICIDE SQUAD and the mediocre rumblings of the upcoming WONDER WOMAN (I actually liked MAN OF STEEL) I am trying to be as cautious as possible. I don’t want to get hurt again. At this point the DCEU is like an abusive boyfriend in a Lifetime movie.

And as a fan of McElhatton and his take of Bolton on the GoT, I’m glad he liked it. And honestly I’m just hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Kind of like watching an average episode of GAME OF THRONES, actually.

Meanwhile, JUSTICE LEAGUE will be justicing in theaters November 17th, 2017.

Published by
Damion Damaske