Categories: Movie News

Rorschach cast?

It’s being alleged that Paddy Considine (DEAD MAN’S SHOES) has reported via his official site that Jackie Earle Haley (LITTLE CHILDREN) has been cast as Rorschach in the upcoming flick WATCHMEN. What? Let me break it down…

Back when Paul Greengrass (UNITED 93) was attached to make WATCHMEN, being British, he knew that Paddy Considine was basically one of the best actors working today, and thus offered him the role of Rorschach. However, as we know, Zack Snyder (300) is now directing the movie, and I guess Considine is still in the loop somewhat, because it’s him that’s reporting Haley has been offered the role. How do I feel about this? Well, I think Considine is phenomenal and if one day I’m a big budget film director he’d be the first person I’d call, but Haley just looks perfect to me. Plus, as anyone who saw LITTLE CHILDREN can testify, he is a magical actor.

I can’t remember when casting for a movie was this interesting. I especially love that everyone being mooted for roles would be a really good fit (perhaps with the exception of Keanu Reeves) and is clearly not being chosen for their ‘names’. Let’s hope things continue in this manner!

Published by
James Thoo