Categories: Movie News

Rosario Dawson will be Batgirl for LEGO Batman flick

With LEGO BATMAN already securing its titular hero, his sidekick Robin and its Joker, the Warner Bros. spinoff has pivoted toward casting another familiar face from Batman lore – Batgirl.

Rosario Dawson has signed onto the film as LEGO Barbara Gordon, joining a cast that already features Will Arnett, Michael Cera and Zach Galifianakis. It's still too early to exactly know whether or not she'll get to make that transition from Commissioner Gordon's daughter into full-fledged superheroine, but you have to imagine they've got designs on it or else why would you get Rosario Dawson for the part to mostly sit on the sidelines?

Dawson has comic street cred having made her mark on Marvel's Netflix Universe, playing the Night Nurse for both DAREDEVIL and the coming LUKE CAGE. She has also done her fair share of voice work for comic book properties, too, becoming the sound of Wonder Woman in JUSTICE LEAGUE: THRONE OF ATLANTIS and as Artemis in WONDER WOMAN. Oh, and there's the matter of having co-created a comic book of her very own – O.C.T.: OCCULT CRIMES TASKFORCE.

So yeah… I think Batgirl is in good hands.

LEGO BATMAN hits theaters on February 10, 2017.

Published by
Billy Donnelly