Categories: Movie News

Rourke as Whiplash!

You wanted it? You got it! USA Today brings us the first look at Mickey Rourke as the lead villain in IRON MAN 2. And that all confusion about who he’s playing? Be confused no longer: he’s Whiplash. Says the article:

The character’s alter ego, Ivan Vanko, is a Russian who, Favreau says, “has constructed his own version of a suit.” Among the creative alterations: a pair of whips, powered by the suit’s glowing chest piece, expected to keep Iron Man cracking. Whiplash “is going to light them up,” says Rourke.

So what do you think? For reference, this is what Whiplash looks like in the comics. Like it? Love it? Hate it? Strike back below!

Published by
Mike Sampson