Categories: Horror Movie News

Rumor: Guillermo del Toro may be producing a remake of Terrified

Within the last year or so, a couple films with similar titles have made an impact on the horror community. Both played festivals, both are now available on streaming services. One is the killer clown movie TERRIFIER, which can be found on Netflix, and the other, the one we're going to focus on right now, is writer/director Demian Rugna's TERRIFIED (a.k.a. ATERRADOS), which is on Shudder.

Made in Argentina, Rugna's film has the following synopsis:

Because of his fascination with the paranormal, a police officer on the brink of retirement is asked to investigate a series of strange deaths happening doors apart from each other. There he meets a famed paranormal investigator who is looking into a disappearance in the area as well. Together, with another paranormal enthusiast, they look into these strange incidents and uncover a terrifying connection.

I haven't had a chance to watch TERRIFIED yet myself, but apparently Guillermo del Toro is among those who have seen it, and according to Screen Anarchy there is word going around that del Toro is planning to produce a remake of the movie. The Oscar-winning filmmaker is setting up projects for the genre label he's in charge of at Fox Searchlight, and a new take on TERRIFIED may be part of that endeavor.

Screen Anarchy hears that Rugna is attached to direct the remake of his own film.

Take this one with a grain of salt for now, but if Screen Anarchy's sources are accurate we should be hearing an official announcement from Fox Searchlight and del Toro soon.

In the meantime, I'm going to get around to watching TERRIFIED on Shudder. I'm already disgusted and disturbed by the image above.

Published by
Cody Hamman