Categories: Movie News

Rumor: Lost’s Terry O’Quinn is on Zack Snyder’s shortlist for Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman

All the BATMAN VS SUPERMAN news lately has been Wonder Woman and Nightwing rumors, but what about Lex Luthor? It was rumored Bryan Cranston had been cast as Luthor for the new film, however the actor denied it back in September, and we haven't heard anything since.

Now Superman Super Site has learned from several sources who are close to the production for the film that Terry O'Quinn is on a shortlist to play Lex Luthor in BATMAN VS SUPERMAN. The Lost actor is only the latest contender for the part though, and not a lock (heh, get it?), but Zack Snyder is interested in O'Quinn for Lex Luthor.

Terry O'Quinn could potentially be a great Lex Luthor, but it really depends on how the character will be used in the film. Will he just be the man behind the curtain, pulling the strings? I know that's what he primarily does in the comics, but he also occasionally punches shit, and that's something we haven't seen too much of in previous movies with the character. It'll be interesting to see how Lex Luthor will be handled in the new movie.

BATMAN VS SUPERMAN starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill will hit theaters July 17th, 2015.

Published by
Jesse Giroux