Categories: Movie News

Free Guy sequel: Disney is game for another round, says Reynolds

Free Guy is currently ruling the weekend box office with a solid $28.4 million debut so it should come as no surprise that Disney is already thinking about a sequel.

Ryan Reynolds took to his Twitter page to reveal that the Mouse House is already talking about a follow-up. The caption reads, “Aaaannnd after 3 years messaging #FreeGuy as an original IP movie, Disney confirmed today they officially want a sequel. Woo hoo!! #irony.” You can check out Reynolds’ Twitter post below!

Free Guy hit the big screen over the weekend after a year-long delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Disney acquired Free Guy after the Fox/Disney merger but they saw something of value in the film which is why they didn’t simply dump it on a random weekend and hoped for the best. The end result is a solid 82% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a number one finish at the box office for an original concept. Sometimes original ideas do win.

In Free Guy Ryan Reynolds stars along with Jodie Comer, Joe Keery, Lil Rey Howery, and Taika Waititi. In the film, A bank teller discovers that he’s actually an NPC inside a brutal, open-world video game. I saw the film during its preview night on Thursday with a relatively packed crowd and it was probably one of the most fun times I’ve had at the movies this year. I’d definitely be interested in a sequel if it’s done right.

Do YOU want to see a sequel to Free Guy?

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