Categories: Movie News

Ryan Reynolds is campaigning to Bring Boring Back for COVID-19 relief

Everyday fashion sure has changed a lot since areas of the world began issuing "Stay At Home" orders, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We now live in a world where those without essential service jobs can work from home, and wear whatever the hell they want while doing it. While some have chosen to dress as they would on any given work day – if only to retain some manner of normalcy – others have taken to wearing pajamas, animal onesies, or nothing at all. Here's the thing though, some of us want nothing more than to wear our "usual." You know, those outfits you've worn a million times over because slipping into them requires no effort whatsoever. In short, I'm talking about the boring stuff, and today Ryan Reynolds hopes that he can entice you to wear the most boring shirt ever.

 "Don't you miss boring? Well today we're uniting to bring boring back as quickly as possible," Reynolds proclaims at the top of a video that was recently posted to his Twitter account. "We're asking every Canadian to purchase this t-shirt," he added while pointing to a shirt that looks as if it were designed by the second runner-up in a "Most Boring Person in the World" contest. "It's boring as f*ck. It's a black shirt, white type, not even a Serif font. It's like we put no thought into this whatsoever. Plus it comes in up to one color. This shirt is so unremarkable that it actually renders its wearer completely invisible," Reynolds says while describing the garment that even dust rags won't hang with.

The reason that Reynolds is hoping that you'll donate money for this cloth-born nightmare is because all proceeds will help in buying PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for frontline personnel working amidst the most vulnerable communities that've been hit by COVID-19. In other words, your sacrifice to the fashion gods will not be in vein. Hell, your donation might even earn you a few points with your deity of choice.

To find out how you too can donate and in time look exactly like Ryan Reynolds does in the above video – only nowhere near as devilishly handsome – visit for more information.

And in all seriousness, stay safe out there, folks. By all accounts it sounds as if we're in for a long haul with this COVID-19 business, and the healing process will take a lot longer if we don't abide by the "Stay At Home" orders, or do what we can to make sure that medical professionals have the tools they need. So go ahead, help us bring boring back so what we can beat this thing.

Published by
Steve Seigh