Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Ryuhei Kitamura splatters bodies across the asphalt in Downrange trailer

Just over a week ago, we shared the announcement that VERSUS / GODZILLA: FINAL WARS / THE MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN / NO ONE LIVES director Ryuhei Kitamura had taken the helm of DOWNRANGE, "a minimalist thriller with maximum tension". DOWNRANGE is expected to be released sometime in 2018, but it has since been revealed that some lucky viewers are going to be getting the chance to see the film months earlier than the rest of us – DOWNRANGE will be making its world premiere as part of the Midnight Madness line-up at the 42nd Toronto International Film Festival, which is set to run from September 7th to 17th.

In preparation for next month's screening, TIFF has released their own DOWNRANGE trailer… and after watching it my first reaction is "Wow."

Written by Joey O'Bryan and starring Kelly Connaire, Stephanie Pearson, Rod Hernandez-Farella, Anthony Kirlew, Alexa Yeames, and Jason Tobias, DOWNRANGE tells the story of 

six college students who are carpooling cross-country when one of their tires blows out on a desolate stretch of country road. Getting out to fix the flat, they quickly discover that this was no accident. The tire was shot out. With their vehicle incapacitated, the group is pinned down and mercilessly attacked by an unseen assailant as they desperately attempt to find a way to escape.

I was on board to watch this film from the beginning, but the trailer indicates that it's going to be much more intense, gory, and awesome than I had imagined. I am now officially hyped for DOWNRANGE.

Published by
Cody Hamman