Categories: Movie News

S. Darko updates

Everyone’s favorite sequel has gotten a couple of casting additions today, and they’re every bit as high profile as you’d expect. Elizabeth Berkley (SHOWGIRLS) and Briana Evigan (STEP UP 2 THE STREETS) have joined the sequel to cult-classic DONNIE DARKO, which sees Donnie’s younger sister (Daveigh Chase) become plagued by bizarre visions.

And it makes sense. If I was an actor in Hollywood with any kind of credibility, I’d avoid this movie like I’d avoid a stumbling crack whore soliciting outside a Klan meeting. Speculation has been rife as to whether Jake Gyllenhaal would make a reappearance in the sequel, except that it hasn’t, since this film still ranks as one of the most unnecessary things of all time.

Published by
James Thoo