Categories: Horror Movie News

Sales Poster for Suburban Gothic starring Kat Dennings & Matthew Gubler

With AFM in full swing, we’re getting all sorts of goods from horror movies from all over. One of which is from EXCISION director Richard Bates Jr. who has followed up his debut with SUBURBAN GOTHIC, a horror comedy that stars Matthew Gray Gubler and Kat Dennings. EXCISION is a very disturbing psycho-trip slice of horror, so I'm excited to see what Bates Jr. does with something a little lighter in tone. SUBURBAN GOTHIC hit us with a trailer back in July so be sure to check that out HERE. But first, dig on the poster below!

The synopsis:

Raymond has a prestigious MBA, but he can’t find work. He can channel the paranormal, but chatting with a cute girl mystifies him. Kicked out of his big city apartment, Raymond returns home to his overbearing mother, ex-jock father, and beer-bellied classmates. But when a vengeful ghost terrorizes the small town, the city-boy recruits Becca, a badass local bartender, to solve the mystery of the spirit threatening everyone’s lives.

Co-starring in the film is Ray Wise and John Waters, SUBURBAN GOTHIC recently had its World Premieres at the Fantasia Film Festival.

Published by
Ryan Miller