Categories: Movie News

Samberg does it again

A year ago I probably wouldn’t have posted a video like this on our site, but now since Andy Samberg is officially a MOVIE star, it’s legit. The comedic genius (he certainly is) and his two counterparts Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone have gone on and crafted another brilliant SNL digital short that I feel compelled to share with you all. The fellows have crafted another dazzlingly lyrical love song, this time to the Holocaust-denying, USA hating president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, all to the tune of Aphex Twin’s Avril 14. This thing has probably spread across the net like a virus, I mean, it is a viral video after all, but even if you have seen it, I’m sure you want to see it again. Check it out BELOW.

Published by
Ben Barna