Categories: Movie News

Saw VI news

SAW V is just about five months away from release so that means it’s time to start talking about SAW VI, the inevitable sequel that’ll be released in 2009. The demented fiends at “Bloody Disgusting” have learned that SAW V director David Hackl won’t be back to direct the morality based torture but will instead be passing the mallet to Kevin Greutert, a long time SAW franchise editor. Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton, however, who’ve been scripting Jigsaw’s elaborate torture traps since SAW IV, will be back to once again pen the torture mayhem. “Bloody Disgusting” was also kind enough to reveal the plot for the upcoming SAW V and it goes a little something like this: (Apparently, this synopsis has SPOILERS so it’s been inviso-texted) “Hoffman is seemingly the last person alive to carry on the Jigsaw legacy. But when his secret is threatened, Hoffman must go on the hunt to eliminate all loose ends.” SAW V hits theaters October 24th. Thanks to Paul for the heads up!

Published by
Omar Aviles