Categories: Movie News

Scarlett as a porn star?

Before I even get to the “news” here, let me caution you that this is probably the most bullshit non-story I’ll ever run, but because it’s such a great bullshit non-story, I’m running it anyway. The basic gist? Scarlett Johansson starring as Jenna Jameson in an upcoming biopic. Basically this all stems from an interview Jenna did in the current issue of FHM, which mentions she’d like to have Johansson play her in a movie, should a movie of her life ever happen. That’s not to say that a Jenna biopic is definitely happening and certainly not to say that they could ever convince Johansson to star. Personally I’m of the opinion that even if the movie were greenlit and ready to go into production, Scarlett wouldn’t take the role. Being up for a nude scene is one thing but getting ready to play the most prolific porn star ever would be another. But hey, it’s a fun rumor (that’s pretty much being perpetuated by Jenna and her people to help build interest in a movie) and if the simple mental image of Scarlett as Jenna doesn’t do it for you on an otherwise dreary Monday, well son, you just ain’t livin’. Thanks to FilmIck for the heads up.

Published by
Mike Sampson