Categories: Movie News

Laurence Fisburne as Morpheus and Scarlett Johansson in new Super Bowl ads

More Super Bowl ads are popping up with only days to go before the big game and these two are some of the best yet. One will definitely not be airing during the game while the other is most definitely going to be talked about on Monday.

The banned commercial is for SodaStream, the make your own cola at home machine, starring the gorgeous Scarlett Johansson. Before you get excited by the word banned, the reason is because the ad calls out Coke and Pepsi, sponsors of the NFL, who would not be happy to hear this upstart competitor challenging them on the biggest stage of the year. Still, it is always nice to see Scarlett looking sexy while sucking on a straw. Now I want a SodaStream.

The other ad features Laurence Fishburne reprising his most recognizable role as Morpheus from THE MATRIX. This time, instead of saving humanity from machine overlords, Morpheus is saving a couple from their lame car. The Kia people definitely had some fun with references to THE MATRIX and Fishburne looks like he never left the role. Still, when he starts lip syncing it gets a little weird.

Expect a lot more ads to pop up with movie references in the coming days and stay tuned to as soon as they become available online.

Published by
Alex Maidy