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Scarlett Johansson reveals what she wants in a Black Widow movie

For several years now, fans of Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow have been shouting at Marvel to get crankin' a solo film featuring the studio's stealthy femme fatale. Then, in the lead-up to AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, Marvel announced that they've hired BLACKLIST screenwriter Jac Shaeffer to pen a script to a BLACK WIDOW film. While new details about the project have been scarce ever since, that's not going to stop an outspoken Johansson from discussing what she'd like to see included in the lethal character's first solo venture.

“I love playing this character,” Johansson told Entertainment Tonight in a recent interview while on the set of AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, before news that a Black Widow film is in development, “and I think there is definitely an opportunity to explore the Widow as a woman who has come into her own and is making independent and active choices for herself, probably for once in her life. You know, she hasn’t always had that possibility. If it fit that criteria, then it would make me want to do it.”

As one of the longest-standing members of the MCU, a BLACK WIDOW solo feature feels long overdue. Though now that Natalia Alianovna Romanova aka Black Widow has already embarked on several big-screen adventures alongside her fellow Avengers, what can we expect when she leaves the team behind to strike out on her own? Will it be a Bucky/Nat Bond-like thriller? Will Black Widow set out on a self-appointed mission to remove the red from her own ledger? We'd like to hear some of your ideas for the plot of BLACK WIDOW, so feel free to type them out in the comments section below.

Be sure to catch Black Widow when she goes toe-to-purple toe with Thanos in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, which is set to arrive in theaters on April 27th.

Published by
Steve Seigh