Categories: Horror Movie News

Sci-fi thriller Stranded, starring Christian Slater, acquired by Image Entertainment

Image Entertainment has picked up all U.S. rights to Roger Christian’s sci-fi thriller STRANDED starring Christian Slater Brendan Fehr, Amy Matysio and Michael Therriault.

Roger Christian is the man who directed BATTLEFIELD EARTH, so it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to get excited for his latest adventure in outer space. He was also the Second Unit Director on THE PHANTOM MENACE…

In STRANGED, Gerard (Christian Slater) leads three other astronauts on a mission when a meteor suddenly collides with their space station, putting the lives of the entire crew in danger. Those on board quickly learn that spores from the meteorite can replicate cell structure, reproduce, and mutate. Ava, the only female astronaut becomes infected, showing signs of pregnancy at a rapid rate. Within 36 hours she gives birth to a creature that mutates into the life form of another crew member.

No word on when we’ll see STRANDED, but we’ll keep you updated. You can watch BATTLEFIELD EARTH in the meantime – you know you own it…

Amy Matysio

Published by
Eric Walkuski